why change?
  today's errors
  the new principles
  the six powers
  the constitution
  the second vote
  secondary points
  to short version

4. The principles which guided me in designing "six branch democracy"

Some of the principles which guided me while developing this new type of democracy are those you see in the banner under our Foundation's Name. The most important is the first:

A Democracy exists for the people, belongs to the people

The most important asset of a democratic society is ALL of its citizens. This was not always so, this is one of the main philosophical changes of the last two hundred years. So any democratic system has to be developed in order to provide the most positive effects for its people. A strong economy which does not support the civilians of its society, but caters to the whishes and fortunes of the few is but a thief, destroying democracy. Only a strong viable middle class can safeguard a democratic society. A democratic society is committed to the support its less fortunate members. Also is it the obligation of a democratic society to be careful with its natural resources. The democratic system which exists now has become uncontrollable by the people. The exploding speed of our modern lifestyle makes the once per four years control (=elections) of the government by the people a farce. The complexity of our society has released our elected representatives from our control. They have their constituency tucked somewhere and are free to decide on all issues just as they wish.

Here are the principles again, these are the philosophical ones:

1. A Democracy exists for the people, belongs to the people
2. Democracy can only exist when enough people are economically safe and can follow their own believes
3. Democracy can only function when a reasonable balance is struck between personal freedom and social restrictions
4. Too much freedom becomes anarchy
5. Too much personal restrictions make for dictatorship
6. In a real democracy people understandingly obey the law
7. In a democracy authorities cannot create laws which are not for the benefit of the majority
8. Unbridled capitalism is an enemy of democracy
9. In a democracy the poor are supported by the rich
10. In a democracy social burdens are carried according to personal ability
11. In a democracy authorities spread personal burdens according to personal ability
12. The national treasures belong to the people
13. The infra structure of society is the responsibility of the authorities, No selling these out to private interests.
14. The religion of the majority is the state religion, other religions have the same rights and duties
15. Minorities have the same rights as the majority, BUT also have the same obligations

And here are the practical ones:

1. The three governmental branches are split into six branches:
1. the sovereign branch
2. the executive branch
3. the legislative branch
4. the juridical branch
5. the controlling branch
6. the branch of local authority
2. The six heads of these branches form the "The committee of six"
3. Multiple votes for civilians
4. The political cycle is 6 years
5. Every three years half the political assignments will be up for election
6. A politician can only be elected by a regular majority for two political cycles
7. After two elections an extra majority is required (5%, 10%, ...)
8. Politicians cannot control administrations
9. Politicians cannot from themselves leave in the middle of the cycle
10. Politicians cannot move from one position to another without a cooling timetable
11. Administration is organized into nine or ten departments (see flowcharts)

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Updated:07/08/11 Copyright: The "Three to Six" Foundation
Website created by: Meir A. Sprecher